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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 2,012
Default Meat is making me sick

"Omelet" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> In article >,
> Maybe I'll move to Italy. ;-)
> What is your Catholic population?

85% of the population named Catholic go to church for christening, first
Communion, wedding, funeral. I've never met so many Atheists in my life.

> My Employer actually does pay a percentage of my medical insurance.
> I pay around $100.00 per month just for myself but there are things the
> insurance won't cover. Pap smears for one, and my new Glasses came
> entirely out of pocket except for a part of the Dr.'s visit. That was a
> $40.00 co-pay.
> I think I'll skip the annual indignity for 5 years this time. The pap
> and mammogram were unaffordable, even with insurance.
> --
> Peace, Om

Then I think you are being skinned. Pap is free here, mammogram after the
designated age is free, before if there is a suspicion of something wrong
also free. All specialist visits engendered by uyour primary physician cost
euro 16 co-pay.

Glasses are not free, exams are. I have found them relatively cheaper.

Of course you won't make $50,000 here.