yourfriend wrote:
> I've always enjoyed waffles but disliked the prices for syrup. And by syrup I
> mean "buttery maple flavored" stuff like log cabin, et al. So, I wondered if
> anyone here had any success with making their own and cared to share?
> I'm thinking of a simple syrup (sugar and water and heat are cheap) with some
> flavoring or is this as silly as buying my own raw cocoa beans to make
> chocolate?
> recipes, suggestions, caveats & creative flames all welcome,
> Your Friend
>>>That website listed by this troll is nothing more then a bunch of lies
>>>and setup by another troll the website is full of nothing but lies and
>>>inaccurate and is nothing more then libel against me.
>>So you claim that all the data on this website is false?
> Yes it is all false.
> Jamie
> Message-ID: >
When I was a kid my mother made syrup by cooking up
some brown sugar and water and a little butter to a
syrup. Another thing that isn't too awful, although not
my cup of syrup, er tea, is dark Karo syrup. My aunt
in Alabama used to put that on biscuits and pancakes.
It's not bad but I prefer real maple syrup no matter how
much it costs! I just don't have pancakes, waffles, or
frenche toast very often. I can't abide the fake maple-
flavored syrup although I did eat it sometimes as a kid.
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?