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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default McD's employee jailed - for over-salty burger...

KW wrote:
> "ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Kendra Bull was arrested on Friday, charged with misdemeanour
>> reckless conduct and freed on $1 000 bail.
>> Bull, 20, said she accidentally spilled salt on hamburger meat and
>> told her supervisor and a co-worker, who "tried to thump the salt
>> off".

>> Police sent samples of the burger to the state crime lab for tests.

Tests for what??? Sodium?!

> If this turns out to be an intentional act, then my position will
> change. Based on what is written here, all of the employees should be
> reprimanded and possibly fired for serving food that they *knew* was
> tainted...

Tainted with spilled salt. Reprimanded, yes. She told her supervisor.
They let the meat be used anyway. It's the supervisor's fault, IMHO, for
not making the decision to toss the meat and start over. Of course, the
supervisor is probably 16.

.....however....the bigger situation IMHO is good 'ol Barney
> Fife. Andy not only needs to take his bullet away, but that officer
> shouldn't take on a PD role any more intellectually strenuous than a
> meter maid! I do NOT want that guy coming to my rescue in a serious
> situation that might require logic and reasoning :-)

Gotta agree with you on that one! You don't *arrest* someone for spilling
salt on hamburger meat. You sure as hell don't send a sample off to the
state crime lab. The guys in the lab are probably laughing their asses off
at good ol' Barney.
