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Pennyaline Pennyaline is offline
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Default McD's employee jailed - for over-salty burger...

Paul M. Cook wrote:
> "ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> ...
>> <quote>
>> Jailed - for over-salty burger
>> 09/09/2007 22:01 - (SA)
>> Union City, Georgia - A McDonald's employee spent a night in jail and is
>> facing criminal charges because a police officer's burger was too salty
>> - so salty that he says it made him sick.
>> Kendra Bull was arrested on Friday, charged with misdemeanour reckless
>> conduct and freed on $1 000 bail.
>> Bull, 20, said she accidentally spilled salt on hamburger meat and told
>> her supervisor and a co-worker, who "tried to thump the salt off".
>> On her break, she ate a burger made with the salty meat. "It didn't make
>> me sick," Bull told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
>> But then Police Officer Wendell Adams got a burger made with the
>> oversalted meat, and he returned a short time later and told the manager
>> it made him sick.
>> Bull admitted spilling salt on the meat, and Adams took her outside and
>> questioned her, she said.
>> "If it was too salty, why did (Adams) not take one bite and throw it
>> away?" said Bull, who has worked at the restaurant for five months. She
>> said she did not know a police officer got one of the salty burgers
>> because she could not see the drive-through window from her work area.
>> Police sent samples of the burger to the state crime lab for tests.
>> City public information officer George Louth said Bull was charged
>> because she served the burger "without regards to the well-being of
>> anyone who might consume it".

> I guess we really are a society that throws absolutely everyone in jail.
> Too much salt, yet the cop ate almost the whole thing. "It was so
> repulsive, your honor, I damn near stopped eating it - TWICE!"
> And now this young woman will have a police record and on every job app she
> fills out will have to check "yes" when it asks if you have ever been
> arrested for any reason.
> Sounds like justice to me.

All the while ignoring the obvious: a McDonald's employee was charged
with serving a burger "without regards to the well-being of anyone who
might consume it". Is there an emergency number for the Irony Police?