Thread: Got some spring
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Ron Anderson
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Default Got some spring

better check that link, the photo's are a no show.

Ron Anderson
A1 Sewing Machine
PO Box 60
Sand Lake, NY 12153
"Marc Carter" > wrote in message
newsan.2004. .net...
> Hey, All --
> So, following up on the oven-spring thread, I went back to basics and
> just went after a plain old white bread to see what was up. The
> results are at <>.
> (Don't let the filename fool you; being terminally lazy, I just modified
> the old file from the "cracked" discussion. Also, apologies for the huge
> images, but it was the only way to get the details in the images.)
> It's a half-portion of Silverton's Country White:
> 6 oz 50-50 starter (all things by weight except salt and germ)
> 1 lb 1 oz bread flour
> 9 oz water
> 1/4 cup wheat germ
> 2-1/4 tsp salt
> Ferment three hours at 78, slap, shape, proof at 40 degrees (refrigerator)
> for about 14 hours, then 4 hours at 50 degrees (wine "cellar" that I have
> co-opted for a retarder!), then 1 hour at about 65 (the ambient room temp
> here). Bake 450 with steam first five minutes for 45 total minutes.
> The weird proofing schedule has to do with having to be at work some of

> time. (Damn that work.)
> Lots of spring, nice crumb and crust. Doesn't have the depth of flavor
> that I think is in the _levain_, but is a tasty and presentable loaf. Got
> some colleagues coming over for dinner this weekend, and am planning on
> doing some baking before they get here. Hope this is the start of a

> Wish I could share it with you all.
> m