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Phred Phred is offline
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Posts: 1,107
Default (2007-09-17) New survey on the RFC site: End the Chuckle of the Day?

In article >, Andy <q> wrote:
>Phred said...
>> In article >, "Ophelia" >
>> wrote:
>>>Puester wrote:
>>>>> ChattyCathy wrote on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 17:19:38 +0200:
>>>>>> Vote now! (or not)
>>>> I have stopped reading the CoD because it takes too long to load
>>>> with my dial-up (and I usually have seen it in my daily
>>>> newspaper,anyway.
>>>> That doesn't mean I would deprive the people who really enjoy
>>>> seeing it. Live and let live.
>>>I am lucky and have broadband. I enjoy the CoD too

>> I do too. But I prefer just *one* each day. The multiple choices
>> take too much time, even on broadband. There's only one winner!

>Yeah well, OK, CotD #6. If you'd only show up at the meetings more often,
>we might more swiftly arrive at a more respectible CotD!
>Ya BUM!!!

Sorry. I keep forgetting you lot are a day behind so there's no one
around when I turn up. :-(

Cheers, Phred.
