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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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In article <_8gFi.9856$bf1.8076@trnddc04>,
"James Silverton" > wrote:

> "Goomba38" > wrote in message
> . ..
> > James Silverton wrote:
> >> Hello, All!

> ææ
> >> Since carries a large number of recipes from
> >> posters who feel that they are providing some sort of service
> >> by dumping untested (I am sure) recipes, I have kill-filled
> >> about three of them as well as deleting anything with
> >> "delicious" in the subject. This morning there were 35
> >> recipes waiting, after application of the filters, the number
> >> went to 5.

> æ
> > I don't get the point in posting this?

> Obvious! Informational in that even a moderated group has junk.
> I've cooked recipes from r.f.c that are just plain uninteresting
> to eat.

> ‚‚Ý
> Jim Silverton
> Potomac, Maryland

I'm sure r.f.r. is another group that has changed over time ‹ it goes
back to at least 1993. I'll guess that when it first started there
were not the myriad online recipe sources there now are * did the Food
Network even exist * and people posted whatever they had to answer the
call from wherever they acquired it.

I don't read it regularly but find it interesting to compare recipes
that have the same name. Casual entertainment.

I'm fond of this recipe because it's the first recipe I ever made from
an online resource; it came from and I found it soon
after I learned about Usenet's topical newgroups.

{ Mystically and Efficiently Exported from MasterCook Mac }

Meringue Berry Roll

Recipe By: posted to by Barb Schaller, 9-11-2007
Serving Size: 6

Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method
4 egg whites - room temp.
3/4 c. sugar
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar
1 tsp. cornstarch
3/4 c. heavy cream
1 1/2 cups assorted berries (diced strawberries &
whole blueberries)

Beat egg whites until frothy. Continue to beat and gradually add
sugar. Beat until soft peaks form, then beat in cream of tartar and
cornstarch. Continue beating until stiff peaks form. Line a 9x13 inch
baking sheet with waxed paper. Spread the meringue evenly over the
paper and bake at 350° 12-15 min. until lightly browned. Cool
completely. Invert the meringue onto the work surface on another sheet
of waxed paper. Carefully peel off the first sheet of waxed paper.

Beat the cream until stiff. Spread the whipped cream evenly over the
meringue. Place the berries over the whipped cream. Beginning at one
long edge and using the sheet of waxed paper as a guide, roll the
meringue over the berries, jelly-roll style. Transfer to a serving
platter. Garnish with additional berries and mint leaves if desired.
Cut into 2 inch slices and serve. Serves 6.

Notes: Source: Internet newsgroup
(Andrew Yale ), 13 Jul 1995. Made 7/17/95: I
think it tasted better after it chilled for several hours -- at least
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
For your listening pleasu --
from the MN State Fair, 8-29-07