"Greek" Burgers
On Sep 10, 9:10 pm, JimnGin > wrote:
> I grilled burgers tonight on my Char-Griller over Royal Oak and apple
> chips. They were a mixture of ground chuck and ground lamb (I'd have
> to say that Chuck squealed louder when I ground him than the lamb
> did!), with just a little more lamb than chuck. I added crumbled feta
> cheese to them before grilling. Once done, I toasted the buns in the
> grill, and production began. One side of the bun got tzatziki sauce,
> and the other side got olive tapenade. Each burger then got lettuce,
> and a slice each of tomato, red onion, and avocado. They turned out
> great- the best burgers I've ever made, or eaten! I had one problem,
> however. While grilling the burgers, the instant I opened the lid, the
> grill flamed up, with flames shooting almost a foot high. I kept
> putting them out with water, only to have them start up again the next
> time I opened the lid. I opened the lid only to turn the burgers once,
> and then to toast the buns. Even after the burgers were done, and off
> to the other side, the flames continued. I suspect that the culprit
> was the ground lamb, as I've never had this problem on this scale,
> since first using my Char-Griller in May of '05. Any ideas, as to why
> the grill flamed so badly? Has anyone else grilled ground lamb, and if
> so, did you have the same problem? What do you suggest to solve the
> flame-ups? I closed the lid as soon as I flipped the burgers, and put
> the buns on.
> Thanks, I appreciate your help!
> JimnGin
Could be any one of the following:
The lamb was exceptionally fatty, try using a leaner cut.
The fire was too hot. Ease up on the charcoal.
Wood chips have a tendency to flame, not smoke. Bag the wood chips
and use a large chunk or two which has been soaked in water and placed
on the perimeter of your fire. You don't need any flaming chips on
the fire; all it needs is fat to begin the inferno.
Forget about using water to douse the flames; it'll stir up steamy ash
and land on your food. If your Char-Griller has one, close the damper
of the air intake to dampen the fire. As you did, make sure you have
a spot of indirect heat, so as to not feed the fire with dripping
The concept sounds delightful, especially the tapenade on the burger.
Good luck on your next attempt.