Ideas for cleaning the over-the-stove vent?
In article om>,
Bobo Bonobo(R) > wrote:
> On Sep 10, 7:19 pm, Terry > wrote:
> > Gentlefolk,
> >
> > One stove vent actually vents to the outside. There's a couple of
> > semicircular metal flaps at the bottom of the ductwork that seal it
> > off when the fan is off, but they flip up when enough pressure has
> > been built up from below, opening the vent and letting the nasty fumes
> > out.
> >
> > Problem is that the flaps and the ductwork are greasy and tend to
> > stick in the 'up' position. It's not much trouble in the summer, but
> > in the winter, cold air pours in from the outside. I take off the
> > aluminum filter, then pick and pry with a pancake flipper until the
> > errant flap comes down.
> >
> > I attempted to clean 'em with degreaser but it's pretty hard to reach
> > up there. I'd really rather not take down the entire vent from its
> > ducting if there's a better way. Any ideas?
> Castrol Super Clean works great, but WEAR GLOVES and BE CAREFUL.
> Though if you are in Cali, I think it has been banned there.
> >
> > Best -- Terry
> --Bryan
She could also call her local restaurant and ask them how they do it.
;-) There has been more than one cook that has been more than willing to
talk to me about stuff when I call them. It's actually kinda fun... So
long as I don't call them during a busy time!
Calling a chimney service also could not hurt.
Peace, Om
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