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blake murphy blake murphy is offline
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On Tue, 11 Sep 2007 14:30:09 GMT, Puester >

>Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>> I'm sure r.f.r. is another group that has changed over time ‹ it goes
>> back to at least 1993. I'll guess that when it first started there
>> were not the myriad online recipe sources there now are * did the Food
>> Network even exist * and people posted whatever they had to answer the
>> call from wherever they acquired it.
>> I don't read it regularly but find it interesting to compare recipes
>> that have the same name. Casual entertainment.

>I stopped reading r.f.r. when it became mostly requests for
>"copycat" recipes for things served at chain restaurants. I couldn't
>believe how many times people asked for "cheese biscuits like Red
>Lobster's" or "Applebee's Chinese Chicken Salad".
>I can't decide whether all the TV food shows have elevated or dumbed
>down our taste.
>gloria p

i guess it depends on where you start out from. my mother was a lousy
cook, while my father had real flair. if i had only eaten mom's
cooking, even some of red lobster's or applebee's stuff would have
seemed pretty good. (in defense of mom, her crab soup was highly
thought of.)

your pal,