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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,962

l, not -l said...

> As one of the folks who sometimes post untested recipes on
>, I will admit I do feel as if I am providing a service.
> IT"S A REQUEST FORUM; someone asked for a recipe for a given dish - if
> I have it, I'll provide it, tested or not.

I posted a recipe maybe 10 years ago to r.f.r and they edited it and edited
it wrong, changing an ingredient quantity and wouldn't fix it (or it was
skipped over in the e-mail). It became a destined to disappoint recipe. I'm
sorry my name was attached to it.

There are a lot of recipes posted there that are also typo'd, incorrect key
things such as cooking times, temps, ingredients, the works.

I do look in on occasion to see if any recipes might be an interesting
alternative to mine.
