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JoeSpareBedroom JoeSpareBedroom is offline
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Default Sun Dried Tomatoes

"elaine" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>>>> The sun does not seem to be an easy option for various reasons. One
>>>>> reason is that (unless you are in Death Valley) it will take a long
>>>>> time - I guess much more than one day. Another reason is the
>>>>> complications which arise by trying to keep flies and other insects
>>>>> away from the product - which probably means glass plates or plastic
>>>>> sheets to shield the tomatoes. And then there is humidity. If the
>>>>> tomatoes are in an enclosure transparent to the sun but sealed to keep
>>>>> insects out it seems one would need fans, air filters, etc. Perhaps
>>>>> the indoor oven idea might work well but then they are not really sun
>>>>> dried. I wonder if the commercial ones are really sun dried.
>>>>> AlexM
>>>> Whatever. A microwave oven will not do the job. Are you buried in extra
>>>> tomatoes at the moment?
>>> I am --- and all my neighbours with whom I would love to share. I froze
>>> a batch whole even though I will probably never use. Sun dried in the
>>> oven I can do. Then what? e.

>> Salsa.

> I've made salsa many will this last through winter? e.

Depends on whether you heat-process it or not. Can you do that? Canning
jars - that whole routine.