(2007-09-11) New survey on the RFC site: Grocery shopping
Nancy Young wrote:
> Nor in New Jersey. As it should be, in my opinion. Also no sales
> tax on clothing.
That's the way it is in Massachusetts as well. Also, fabric and
supplies for making clothing aren't taxed, nor are seeds for growing
food. If I buy beautiful colored fabric and tell the cashier that I
plan to use it to make a quilt, it is taxed. If I tell the cashier that
I plan to make a skirt, it isn't taxed. Fancy buttons and beads can run
pretty expensive. If I say they're for an evening gown, no tax. If I
say they're for a fabric art creation to go on the wall, tax. I make an
effort towards honesty, but I don't always know what I'm using the
sewing supplies for when I buy them. I certainly can't promise that
every bit of thread on the spool will go in a shirt rather than a quilt.
When I buy seeds in the spring, they have to go in 2 stacks. The
beans aren't taxed. The zinnia seeds are.