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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Popeil Showtime Rotisserie or Vertical Chicken/Turkey Roaster

On Tue, 11 Sep 2007 23:05:52 -0600, "The Joneses"
> wrote:

>"Paul M. Cook" > wrote in message
>>> Serve with the pan juices and enjoy.

>> Looks great. I don't truss the bird either, I just tuck the wings under.

>I saw Alton Brown on Foodtv make a grilling rack out of long pieces of
>carrots & celery. Great. I can whiz up the veggies for gravy or throw them
>out or keep them for stock or eat them after dark when no one is looking.
>And I don't have to clean the leetle rod things on a rack.

Hmm...that is an idea. I might have to try that the next time I fix
this bird....
I shoulda made this for you when you were here. The "porno" chicken
as it is affectionately known (nickname given by sf, after she viewed
the pic on the signature dishes site) is so very very good and
practically cooks itself. I could have spent the free time fixing
other stuff. On the other hand, I wouldn't have gotten a chance to
try that other new dish I made...

Christine, who got more ingredients to fix said pork and peppers