"Andy" <q> wrote
> blake murphy said...
>> On Tue, 11 Sep 2007 15:08:28 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
>> wrote:
>>>That probably happens a lot. However, my curiosity was why look
>>>there rather than ask here. It wouldn't occur to me to go look there
>>>hoping to coincidentally see something I was interested in.
>> moderated groups in general make me nervous. and r.f.r. seems to be
>> so constricted as to seriously lack entertainment value.
> There are one or two r.f.r members that just seem to load up recipes from
> other sources constantly and they've transcribed them with no care for
> accuracy. I kf'd those users.
I must have visited rfr during one of their busier days ... a whole bunch
of recipes posted by one person ... and all Jimmy Tango type stuff.
I didn't get it, hence my question to James.