Sheldon wrote:
> On Sep 11, 12:15?pm, Omelet > wrote:
>> In article . com>,
>> Sheldon > wrote:
>>>> From my observation I think the typical stupidmarket shopping cart
>>> contains a higher dollar amount of non food items. And many
>>> households spend a significan't amount on pet food and pet supplies.
>>> Sheldon
>> We spend a lot more on the pets than we do ourselves. ;-)
> I'm pretty sure I do too.. just last night I decided I'm not cooking
> so I slapped together a quick tuna salad... always gotta open three
> cans, two for the greedy six and just one for me... and don't think
> they're not after mine either... if Dyson can build a vacuum cleaner
> that sucks better than six cats can inhale tuna they'd really have
> something.
> Sheldon Kist
LOL My cat hates tuna! When she first acquired me the vet wanted me to
give her worm medication "just in case", since we didn't know how long she'd
been wandering around outside. He told me to tuck the pill in some canned
tuna (water packed). She sniffed the tuna then turned her nose up at it.
Canned salmon is a totally different story