Thread: steaming rice
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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default steaming rice

"jmcquown" > wrote in

> It's on the back of the bag or box of rice. You just have to know how
> to read and follow directions. Maybe I'm an exception but a rice
> cooker would just be a waste of cabinet space.
> Jill

A rice cooker is like a bread machine...just makes life easier. If I make
a pot of rice on the stove...well in my case in the microwave. I have
warm rice to eat for a meal. If I make rice in a rice cooker I have warm
rice to eat for some not all the bother of watching the pot.

So if you eat rice say once a week or so...a rice cooker is a waste of
time, money and space...but if you eat rice say at least once a
is a time saver and a good investment. Something like keeping a bag of
potato chips in the pantry.

We aren't talking here of just plain cooked rice...I have several
cookbooks involving at least a hundred differing rice dishes made simply
and easily in a rice cooker. While these recipes could be made on the
stove top I find them so much easier to make in the cooker.

When I bought my rice cooker I ate rice about once a on my low
carb diet I have no need of a rice cooker....but I do miss is
my secret diet lusted after food when I fall off the low carb wagon.

Jill remember your reluctance to getting a stick blender? Well if rice
was allowed on my diet a rice cooker would rate up there in its'handiness
say 3 down on the list from the stick blender.


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