(2007-09-11) New survey on the RFC site: Grocery shopping
Andy wrote:
> Kate Connally said...
>>Julia Altshuler wrote:
>>>On the subject of farmer's markets-- For the past month, we've been
>>>going out of our way to buy peaches at a local orchard, sometimes making
>>>3 trips / week to make sure we get them at the perfect ripeness. Now
>>>they're saying peach season has only another week at the most. But the
>>>Bartletts are coming in. <insert Snoopy happy dance here>
>>Speaking of seasonal fruit, I just called my favorite
>>farm market to find out if the Concord grapes are in yet.
>>Well, I guess I'm a little late. Apparently the season is
>>almost over! I was hoping they would have them this weekend
>>when I could make the 40 mile round trip (costs me at least
>>$5 to go there over and above the cost of what I buy!!!)
>>at my leisure, but they told me that the season is almost
>>over and that they may well all be gone by the weekend.
>>So now I have to drive out there tonight after work. Bummer.
>>I wanted to make a grape pie and maybe some grape freezer
>>jam. I'm hoping to freeze the pie and have it next month
>>when my sister is here. Also the freezer jam is awesome -
>>I made it a couple of years ago. It's really easy, especially
>>since they now have seedless Concords! I hate seedless water-
>>melons and seedless cucumbers - taste and texture not the same
>>as seeded varieties - but being seedless does not seem to
>>affect the grapes at all, except for make it about 100 times
>>easier to make a grape pie!
> I LOVE grapes! But I've never seen concord grapes for sale, ever.
> There was an interesting food TV program about them. Some section of New
> York (near or around Buffalo?) where they only grow, the farmers formed a
> co-op that makes up the Welches concord grape jelly company.
> Andy
I bet if you tried you could find a local farmer who
would have some. Ask around at the farmers markets.
That is if you're in an area where they will grow.
I'm in Pittsburgh. We used to have them on our property
when I was a kid. And I have a friend now about an hour
away who has them, but she always lets the birds get them
and I can never seem to get any from her. I have gone
many years without seeing any concord grapes - especially
the 13 years in So. Calif. It's nice now that I can get
them at a local farm market.
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?