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Becca Becca is offline
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Default (2007-09-11) New survey on the RFC site: Grocery shopping

Kate Connally wrote:

> I do, too, now, but I didn't always. And some things
> that I prefer they don't have at the dollar store - like
> Puffs Plus in the large boxes, or the right kind of Bounty
> Paper Towels. I started going to the Dollar General about
> 5 years ago. I get a lot of stuff there that I used to
> get at the supermarket.
> Kate

They built a Dollar Store behind my office, a few years ago. When we
rain out of toilet paper at work, I discovered dollar stores. I buy a
few things there, like the foamy bathroom cleaner for 99 cents.

At the supermarket, I noticed that I buy fruit, vegetables and meat, for
the most part. I study the weekly circulars and I will buy meat that is
on sale, right now my freezer is almost full (this week, chickens at
Kroger are .69 per pound). If I want something, I cook it. I do not buy
items like Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, if I want mac & cheese, I will make
it. Still, I spend about $200 per week on groceries, for 2 people. That
seems high, when I compare it to everyone else spends. BTW, I do not
separate food items from wine and ziploc bags, etc. so that money covers
