"tom" > wrote in :
> zxcvbob wrote:
>> PeterLucas wrote:
>>> Omelet > wrote in news
>>> :
>> Here's mine, for when civilization collapses and I have to defend
>> against an army of brain-eating zombies:
>> http://www.marlinfirearms.com/Firear...ire/1894C.aspx
>> ...and several big coffee-cans of .38 Special ammo for it.
>> It's fun and cheap to shoot. I really should take it deer hunting
>> (with .357 ammo instead of .38) to do my part to control the Bambi
>> menace.
>> Hmmm. Brain-eating zombie deer. [shiver] I just scared myself.
>> Bob
> Walmart?
> http://downloads.walmart.com/catalog...uct_id=3138517
Damn!! Walmart has *everything*!!!