Ideas for cleaning the over-the-stove vent?
Zippy P > wrote:
>> But oven cleaner isn't about fumes, it's about solvents
>> and wiping. In this case, really nasty solvents you don't
>> want dripping onto your food months later.
>Honey, if you think oven cleaner doesn't have fumes, then you ain't been
>using much oven cleaner. The solvents are in the fumes you dolt. True,
You are quite the retard.
Fumes won't get your oven clean.
You need to spray the stuff onto the walls, ceiling,
and floor, and let them dissolve the grease and resins.
>they're not as concentrated as spraying it directly on the grease, but if
>she can't reach it then she has to use something that has vaporized. Oven
>cleaner is (relatively) safe and will be gone within a short time.
Oven cleaner will kill you if you ingest it.
Read the label.