Andy <q> wrote in :
> PeterLucas said...
>>> Sure, I use *real* spices but not on burgers very often.
>> Try it. You'll see *and* taste the difference.
>> Don't know about your burger mince though..... but over here we can get
>> some *real* tasty stuff.
>> Had some '1824 mince' a little while back that I made into
>> burgers........ Yummo!!
>> And down in Tassie, I managed to snag some Black Angus burger patties.
> Today's buffalo cheeseburger was only a test. Usually I let the buffalo
> flavor speak for itself or with some Dijon mustard. No gout aggravation
> either. Yay!
> Free-range ground buffalo is super lean. Cooked rare and bloody!!!
When I know I'm having *good* meat/burger, I just wrap it in a lettuce
The shittier stuff, I put on a bun with sauce, onions, tomato etc, etc,