In article >,
PeterLucas > wrote:
> > Pretty!
> They were all personal weapons that I had in the Army.... along with the
> usual AR15/M16's, SLR's etc.
Go ahead, make me jealous!
> >
> > Hope you have plenty of ammo tho.
> > Otherwise, those are just clubs... ;-)
> I always have *too* much ammo...... :-)
You re-load?
> >
> > That shotgun, above all, is the most practical.
> >
> > Is that last a 9mm? I could not turn up much info. on it on Google.
> Yep, 9mm.
> I actually have two spare 15 round mags here that I picked up in CA just
> before Clinton(?) passed the bill banning them.
Love the grandfather clauses.
I have two after market 9mm mags that fit my Taurus that hold 17 rounds.
They were only $25.00 each, new.
> I used to own 2 of the weapons when I was in the States, and they came
> with 15 rd mags, so i bought 2 more for each one. The gun dealer that
> sold them to me asked if I was going to start a war!! I replied "No, but
> I'll certainly be able to stop one" :-)
The dealers at the Tejas gun shows never question people purchasing
extra mags...
More fun at the many gun ranges around, and good for IDPA competition
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson