Sales taxes; was (2007-09-11) New survey on the RFC site: Grocery shopping
Sky wrote:
> Illinois has a 1% sales tax for (most) food items, but then that just
> all depends, I think. There are various levels of sales taxes (in
> Illinois). The sales tax on liquor, wine, and beer, not to mention
> cigarettes, is typically a lot higher than non-food stuff like laundry
> detergent, celophane wrap, and other consumer goods.
Lotsa smokers that I know go to Indiana to get their cigs, they are
about 60% cheaper than here in Chicawgo...
> And on top of that, even some townships add their own sales taxes, etc.
> Plus the restaurants might also have additional an additional tax on top
> of regular sales tax too! Go figure. What's that saying - only two
> things are certain in life - death and taxes - only too true.
IIRC the sales tax here in Cook County (Chicago) on most consumer
items (excepting food and drugs) is 8.75%...and that may rise soon,
what with the budget crisis.