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Ted[_2_] Ted[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 46
Default Who would be a true Illegal Immigrant HERO?

On Sep 13, 10:51 am, bountyhunterblues > wrote:
> I say that would be one who was brave enough to go back to where they
> came from and actually did something to improve the conditions of
> where they left.
> Why do they blame us for troubles they could return home to and fix?
> They left a bad government, than return and throw them out by any
> means possible.
> If you left Mexico because you do not see a future you like there
> which is as good as here, then go back and make it such instead of
> bitch at us.
> The French did it. Heck, didn't the Mexican revolt against bad
> government in the past? Go home and do it again to help your own
> people.
> Your fight with us is a mistaken and misplaced one. Go home and remove
> those there who made your life so bad you felt it was better to leave
> your home and family.
> Stop running away from the truth. Yes, it is screwed up where you came
> from, so go fix it.
> In my book, you would be a true peoples hero. While you are here, you
> are nothing but a coward. Hiding from a fight of freedom and virtue in
> the United States when you could make life better in your own country
> where you know others suffer is so low, I cannot even describe it
> here.
> Read John Locke, and then bring that back home and practice what was
> learned. Perhaps you are not as big of a wimp as I believe you are.
> Prove me wrong. Go home and fix your problems instead of bitching at
> all of us here!

Maggots do not leave the host until it is rendered worthless. Dream
