bountyhunterblues > wrote
> I say that would be one who was brave enough to
> go back to where they came from and actually did
> something to improve the conditions of where they left.
Not even possible. The very fundamental problem with
all those areas is that they are too stupid to actually fix the
real problem, they keep pumping out FAR too many kids and
while ever they keep doing that, it isnt even possible to fix.
They're even too stupid to work out that that is the problem too.
> Why do they blame us for troubles they could return home to and fix?
They cant fix it.
> They left a bad government, than return and throw them out by any means possible.
The problem aint the govt, no govt can fix that problem either.
> If you left Mexico because you do not see a future you like
> there which is as good as here, then go back and make it such
Not even possible.
> instead of bitch at us.
They dont bitch, they move.
> The French did it.
Not with that particular problem they didnt.
> Heck, didn't the Mexican revolt against bad government in the past?
And that didnt fix the problem.
> Go home and do it again to help your own people.
Wont fix the problem.
> Your fight with us is a mistaken and misplaced one.
Nope, it likely will work for them.
> Go home and remove those there who made your life so
> bad you felt it was better to leave your home and family.
Wont fix the problem.
> Stop running away from the truth.
You wouldnt know what the truth was if it bit you on your lard arse.
> Yes, it is screwed up where you came from, so go fix it.
Not even possible.
> In my book, you would be a true peoples hero.
You need a new book.
> While you are here, you are nothing but a coward.
Nothing cowardly about risking your life to better your circumstances.
> Hiding from a fight of freedom and virtue in the United States
> when you could make life better in your own country
No he couldnt.
> where you know others suffer is so low, I cannot even describe it here.
> Read John Locke,
He didnt even manage to work out what the real problem is.
> and then bring that back home and practice what was learned.
Wont fix a damned thing.
> Perhaps you are not as big of a wimp as I believe you are.
> Prove me wrong. Go home and fix your problems instead of bitching at all of us here!
Bet that is absolutely guaranteed to see him click his heels and do what you demand.
Just the usual pig ignorant silly stuff.