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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Recipes to try........ YUMMY!!

PeterLucas wrote:
> Blinky the Shark > wrote in
> :
>> PeterLucas wrote:
>>> Blinky the Shark > wrote in
>>> :
>>>> Ho-hum.
>>>> That said, what's the source of that usage blurb. I might like to
>>>> bookmark it along with my other language stuff, if it's from a
>>>> collection of usage guides (rather than just one within a dictionary
>>>> entry for one of the two words).

>> That's just a dic entry, rather than a compilation of usage notes; i.e.,
>> that's what I noted I was not looking for, but thanks for responding.

> Ho-hum, try this one........
> (I'm a poet, and didn't even know it!!)

As long as you don't mind slash rhyme.

Okay, now hold on. I thought I knew "slash rhyme" as the term for
almost-rhyming-good-enuogh-for-government-work rhyming -- like your
"um" and "un", there. I can't for the life of me find the term used
like that via Google. Hmmph.


Heck, I asked it for "consubstantiation" to see if it would do a
compare-and-contrast with "transubstantiation" and it came up dry. Some
usage guide *that* is! Seriously, I'll give it some tests and see
how it does. Thanks for the lead.

If, in turn, this kind of refernence interests you at all, here's one
that I've found quite useful -- mostly for giving links to perpetrators
of criminal word mixing.

If you don't want the background go directly to the list.

Blinky T. "yawn" Shark RLU 297263
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