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greg3347 greg3347 is offline
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Posts: 32
Default Don't Make This Mistake

On Sep 14, 2:31 pm, Mike > wrote:
> I was at a buffet recently and spied something that looked like
> barbecue beef and beans mixed together and put a scoop on my plate.
> When I got back to the table I ate a few bites. Something wasn't
> right, as the messages my palate was sending my brain didn't jive with
> my earlier perception. I looked closer. Those weren't beans, but
> hominy. Uh-oh. I just ate something that I told myself I never
> wanted to try. It was menudo, and those rubbery bits were not
> shredded barbecue beef at all, but honeycomb tripe.
> That's the first time I had ever seen this crap on the buffet, and is
> another subtle reminder of what is going on in this country. Menudo
> is every bit as bad as it sounds.

Only a spanish-speaking mongrel would eat that dish.

greg V-Dare