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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default Campbell's finally got the message?!!

In article >, Andy <q> wrote:

> Omelet said...
> > I've been eating low sodium for so long now, I've become rather
> > sensitive to salt. It's a real pain if I try to eat at "chain"
> > restaurants such as Olive Garden and that ilk.

> Same here. I threw away my salt shaker years ago. I don't use salt
> substitutes like Mrs. Dash. I still have a box of kosher salt from about 4
> years ago probably 3/4 full. I use salt for my split-pea soup. Without it,
> it tastes bland.

We go thru a pound of "Real Salt" maybe every couple of years.
It is a necessary addition to home made soups, but at least _I_ get to
control the quantity to taste!

I still keep a salt shaker on the table and next to the stove, but they
don't need filling very often. ;-)

> I saw the other brands they own. Pepperidge Farm came as a surprise.

Really? I did not know that one.

> > <sigh>
> >
> > Now I need to learn to make my own low sodium V-8 affordably. <g>

> To go with that low sodium vodka distilling out back and low sodium celery
> growing in the garden?
> Andy


Honestly, I really do like the low sodium V-8. Makes for a good quick
snack. I would buy it a lot more if it was not so damned expensive!
Peace, Om

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