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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default MSG in beef broth???

Bobo Bonobo wrote:
> "Zippy P" wrote:
> > > As far as "everything", read the labels.

> > Oh, and it was a rhetorical question

> If you had read the label to begin with, you might not have ended up
> with such broth. I only use MSG (in tiny quantities) in stir fry that
> is meatless. I understand using it in soups, broths and gravies, as
> kind of an extender, but I wouldn't personally do it, nor recommend
> it. For one thing, some people are sensitive to it.

Bull crap!

You contradict yourself, you don't use msg in dishes containing meat
because you know that meat contains msg naturally.

MSG occurs naturally in foods as glutimate, no dietary difference from
msg... all the label can say is "*added* MSG, same as all food
contains salt, the label can only indicate "*added* salt". Beef
contains substantial msg naturally, even breast milk naturally
contains msg. Very few people are actually allergic to msg, and they
have a big problem. The sensitivity people report is from over
indulging in *any* salts... eat too much bacon, ham, salami, and even
tuna and many will experience some sort of physical distress, some
even emotional distress, from the cure salts. Chinese restaurant
syndrome is actually from ingesting too much ordinary table salt,
Chinese cooks have a very heavy hand with salt... they really add very
little msg, only enough to enhance flavor and at a point msg will not
further enhance flavor (same as with vanilla and saffron), a pretty
small threshhold... msg is relatively expensive compared with table
salt and Chinese cooks are quite frugal, they don't add more msg than
a small sprinkle, perhaps no more than 1/4 tsp per dish, but the dish
will contain a lot more added table salt, probably six times as much
and more... Chinese restaurants are quite pleased to omit the added
msg, saves them money, instread they just add more cheap table salt so
that folks won't think the dish is too bland. Many folks who eat the
entire bag of chips in one sitting end of with Chinese restaurant
syndrome too.
