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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default Bamboo Cutting Boards

That's a juvenal retaliation. Are you 12? Be a man and complain
directly to someone in charge.

Some kid in their marketing department thought posting here would be a
good idea. At least it's a legitimate business where you can make
your voice heard, unlike our handbag and shoe spammers, so grow up and
complain in an adult manner if you're so bothered.


On Sun, 16 Sep 2007 01:00:08 GMT, "Robert L Bass"
> wrote:

>> It was posted through Google, but some other place carries their
>> web page. Beside, I'm complaining directly to the seller. Why not
>> let them know you don't appreciate their spam?

>You can use a variant on my method of dealing with phone spammers.
>1. Contact them and ask if you can place orders by fax. Write the
>number down.
>2. Using your favorite image editor, create an 8.5" x 11" solid black
>image. In the center of the image, using white 30-point text, write
>"Please Stop Spamming Usenet". Save the image as a JPG or GIF image.
>3. Open your favorite word processing app and create a 1-page doc.
>Insert the image in the middle of the page. Save the document.
>4. Click on the image and hit CTL-C once. Now hit CTL-V 10 times to
>create a 10-page document.
>5. Now click one on the document and hit CTL-A, CTL-C to grab the
>whole thing. Again hit CTL-V 10 times to make the document 100 pages
>6. Print the document to a PDF file.
>7. Use your fax modem to send the document to the spammer once a
>night for a few weeks.
>I've used this to get persistent phone spammers to take my number off
>their lists. It usually only takes one or two 100-page faxes to do
>the trick. Note that you should precede the fax number with *70 to
>block your caller ID.


History is a vast early warning system
Norman Cousins