Tonights dinner....... 16Sept07
PeterLucas said...
> My mate got a brand new Weber for his birthday,
> So we busted the Webers cheery with my bonelss leg of lamb, and his
> rolled pork roast.
> I boned a leg of lamb, and made up a 'rub' of (shiteloads) of basil, a
> handful of garlic, some cracked pepper, some cayene, 2 handfulls of
> sunflower seeds (whizzed), lots of OO, the rind of a lemon........ and I
> can't remember whatever else there was. Spread the rub on the inside of
> the leg, then rolled it and tied it in place.
> Good thing I got there when I did....... after he'd had the pork
> 'cooking' for 30mins .....*All* breather holes were closed.......
> well...... it *was* his first time!!!
Good for you! He'll never make that mistake twice!