Tonights dinner....... 16Sept07
Andy <q> wrote in :
> PeterLucas said...
>> My mate got a brand new Weber for his birthday,
>> So we busted the Webers cheery with my bonelss leg of lamb, and his
>> rolled pork roast.
>> I boned a leg of lamb, and made up a 'rub' of (shiteloads) of basil, a
>> handful of garlic, some cracked pepper, some cayene, 2 handfulls of
>> sunflower seeds (whizzed), lots of OO, the rind of a lemon........ and I
>> can't remember whatever else there was. Spread the rub on the inside of
>> the leg, then rolled it and tied it in place.
>> Good thing I got there when I did....... after he'd had the pork
>> 'cooking' for 30mins .....*All* breather holes were closed.......
>> well...... it *was* his first time!!!
> Good for you! He'll never make that mistake twice!
LOL!! You're right there!!
I just stuck my head in the door and called him outside closed the door and
pointed out his error, and told him that it'd be our secret. As soon as we
walked back in the door *everyone* inside yelled out "You didn't open the
breather holes, did you??!!"
So no, he won't be doing that again :-)