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Posted to rec.knives,soc.culture.thai,,rec.scuba,
Takin Gthepiss Takin Gthepiss is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 22
Default PING:Takin Gthe**** = Takin Gthe****

............. Bulshit from a poor Englishman in a wheelchair snipped

How about being a sport/asshole and replying to this post with 10+ of
your funny little posts?

If you can't manage to write 10+ posts with your regular ID because
you are affraid to lose your Newsprovider again, I'm sure you will
able to forge a lot of ID's.
After all. you are known in the Usenet asTHE MASTER FORGER.

But dont use the ID's DECKARD,SUE CHAISONE or TAKIN GTHE****.


Takin Gthe****:
"If you want to make fun of me, that's fine."

Sure as hell we like to make fun of you


Note: if you or others knows the coward Takin Gthe**** real identity
or his
real name, publish it here and saves us the money of a lawyer to do

>From (an ISP provider of Takin Gthe****):

"If you feel that the incident you are reporting warrants involvement
of an
appropriate law enforcement body then you must report the incident
We will then cooperate fully with them as is appropriate under United
Kingdom law."