Mike Pearce wrote:
> Samartha:
> That is really cool. I guess this makes you somewhat of a celebrity. So is
> "sourheads" something that you came up with?
Hey thanks,
Well, apparently, I used it again last August after somebody else used
it (unknowingly by me at that time) in July 1985, a Maggie in New
Orleans acc. to Google. But it's really a non-brainer and since
acidheads is around for quite a while and sourheads well - quite close,
it's not really great and a compliment with possible associations (sour,
not well, hangover??), but the writer liked it. I am just waiting until
this email address gets spammed.
Now, me somewhat getting celebribable - I am not sure at all if that
shoe would fit me. You know, using grapes with lots of flour for
starters and coffee with white flour for pumpernickels as "celebrities"
with videos and books do isn't my case;-)
Oh, btw. Lauren Groveman, the 40 minute pumpernickel lady on PBS who
"...happily mix coffee, plums, wheat flour, yeast and some rye flour
together" ( ->
http://samartha.net/SD/procedures/PPN01/) must have
stumbled on or was told about my Pumpernickel web site and sent me an
email from there, kinda weird, not very substantial. I haven't gotten
around dealing with it, but I will eventually, I am kinda busy these
days, needing to make a buck, for some change.
remove -nospam from my email address, if there is one
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