"Ron Anderson" > wrote in message
> "williamwaller" > wrote in message
> news:mailman.51.1079032047.204.rec.food.sourdough@ mail.otherwhen.com...
Ron said:
> > 5) Salt affects the "stiffness" of the dough (gram for gram) more than
> > other factor. Adding a 5 or 10 grams to a 1300 to 1400 gram dough won't
> move
> > the needle on the baker's percentages... but the "feel" or perceived
> > hydration level will change considerably.
Will responded
> Please expand on this. salt is one of the more confusing aspects. I have
> been keeping it in the 1.8 to 2 % range as I have read in many places.
> the 11 grams for a 1000 g loaf.
> > > Ron Anderson
> > >
The bread baker's rule of thumb is 1 ounce of salt per 1 quart of water.
Many of us add salt last after some development of the dough because the
salt tightens the gluten. Because of this it is easier to mix and partially
develop the dough without the salt. The effect of the salt on the dough is
instantly noticeable. Try it, you'll see what I mean.