On Thu, 11 Mar 2004 18:11:12 -0700, "Janet Bostwick"
> wrote:
>"Kenneth" > wrote in message
.. .
>> It makes more sense to me to do salt as you have, that is, as a
>> proportion (typically about 2%) of the weight of the dry ingredients.
>> I don't understand why we would want more salt in a super-hydrated
>> bread (such as a ciabatta) than in a bread made with lower
>> hydration...
>> All the best,
>> --
>> Kenneth
>Good point. I don't know an answer to that. Perhaps the rule was used for
>traditional loaves and became a 'standard.'
>I do understand that many recipes contain more salt than necessary. But in
>this case, where the goal is to obtain large holes, perhaps less salt is
>best given that salt acts as a kind of brake.
Hi Janet,
One interesting aspect of this is that there do seem to be "standard"
approaches to hydration within particular cultures. For example, I
have read that in much of South America breads are made with lower
hydrations because (for some reason) very prominent slashes seem to be
All the best,
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