In article >,
"LynneA" > wrote:
> > I don't generally mix beans and rice personally, but I've had it at
> > parties and it's good.
> I've found it to be a good combo for clean carb-up days. Not to mention
> tasty.
And high fiber...
> > They had Eel Sushi at the Japanese restaurant we went to.
> > I love Shrimp, tuna and salmon Sashimi or Sushi,
> > I think it's cool too that both my Nephews are loving Sushi at an early
> > age. My sister and her husband both adore it so got them started on it
> > early. They are 2 and 5.
> >
> My kids think it's Satan's food<G>
Oh well! <g>
> Lynne A
Peace, Om
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"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down." -- Steve Rothstein