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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default Need to eat better - Suggestions? (from menus)

In article >,
"LynneA" > wrote:

> > It really sux that he (Pastorio) died, for many reasons. :-(
> > One thing, he could always be relied on to have good cooking hints as he
> > was a pro cook for so many years!

> Yeah, I was really sad to hear it. He had a lot to contribute, no doubt
> about it. Not to mention just being a really cool person.

Yes he was. He was always willing to help.
And he liked to beat up on Chung. ;-)

> > Cold Shrimp Kebabs
> >
> >
> > The shrimp were pre-cooked cocktail shrimp from the store and I scrubbed
> > the mushrooms well and they were kept raw. Raw mushrooms are quite good.
> >
> > Those were then marinated in some of Olive Garden's Italian dressing
> > which is _excellent_! Just a bit pricey but it really worked for this.
> > They were served cold, and most of them got munched by the party guests.
> > It was a potluck...
> > --
> > Peace, Om
> >

> Looks good too! I have to admit, I've learned to enjoy a lot MORE foods
> since I started eating more healthily. It's pretty funny, I never would
> have touched some of the foods I eat now, but they are SO good-especially if
> they are jazzed up the least little bit with spices!

Oh I do SO know exactly what you mean! I've said the same thing myself
many times. I now eat more variety than I ever have in my entire life,
especially when it comes to fresh produce, and cooking styles for meat!
I try to eat for nutrition as much as flavor. Low carbing has taught me
a lot.

> That's why I was kind
> of suprised to hear chicken breasts and plain taters, my palate has expanded
> with healthy eating, not narrowed.

It's a body builder thing. <g>
Narrowing it down removes a lot of "choice" so it makes it easier to
stick to specific ratios and total calories.

Herbs and spices tho' are not going to really add calories, so there is
no excuse not to try to use them.

> Lynne A

Competing is a science.
Peace, Om

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