Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Blinky the Shark > wrote:
>> > Did you have leukemia or suspect?
>> I was in the hospital for three weeks with one or more serious
>> infections due to a virtually totally crashed immune system. They never
>> figured out what hit me, and this was a respected major university
>> teaching hospital. They threatened me with a bone-marrow transplant.
>> Right. I had no insurance. I lucked out and a year of self-injecting a
>> very expensive ($320 a shot[1]) drug called Neupogen got my white count
>> up off the floor and to an acceptable and sustainable-without-drugs
>> level.
>> [1] The manufacturer provided it free, as I proved my hardship status in
>> the context of three to five of those injections a week.
>> --
>> Blinky
> Well done. :-)
> I'll have to google for that drug.
> You've piqued my curiosity.
It pulled my white count up to the high end of the range, but whenever I
tapered it off the count would go sub-acceptable. Eventually, after
that year I could hold it at the lower levels of the range on my own.
It started as a short-term treatment in the hospital, but they just
kept saying, well, there's not much else do to so let's just keep trying
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