Thread: Sourness
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Default Sourness

Kevin Breit > wrote:

> I made my first successful sourdough loafs today. The one thing I
> noticed was it tasted too much like fermentation and needed more sour.
> How do I increase the sourness and less alcohol flavor?

One thing I noticed is that the type of starter makes a critical difference.
Last year I had a starter which was very active and extremely sour, you
could smell it readily and it bubbled vigerously easily. However a room mate
killed it accidently when I was out for the weekend. The starter that I am
using now has a better rise, but it not nearly as sour. I have tried lots of
things to sour it, like letting it rise and fall multiple times, very long
rises including the fridge, but it will not come close to what I had before.
So I am going to try to get another wild starter shortly.

Cliff Stamp

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