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Default Sourness revisited

On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 11:47:38 -0500, williamwaller
> wrote:

>Do I go to a
>chemical or geological materials supply business for screens...

Hi Will,

I don't know where you might get the screens, but...

Your comment brought back a funny memory:

Years ago, I bought my first mill. It was a C.S. Bell.

Before ordering, I had written to the manufacturer to ask some

On the day that I called them to order, wondering if I should also
order extra burrs, I asked, "How long might I expect the burrs to
last?" The gentleman assisting me said "Well that depends on what you
are grinding... (which seemed reasonable enough) but then he went on:
"If you're intending to grind rocks on a daily basis, you will
probably get two years use out of the burrs..."

Not believing my ears, I asked him to repeat, and he did -

"If you're intending to grind rocks..." I interrupted and said
something like "Is that some sort of miller's joke?"

He responded by saying that he assumed that I was a geologist...


Well, as it unfolded, he explained that he sold many of his mills to
geologists who used them to grind rocks to "flour" for testing. He
assumed that I was a geologist because when I had written to him
earlier, I apparently wrote on my professional letterhead and it had
my academic title.

In any case, it was one of the stranger conversations I had had to
that point, but I figured, if I can expect two years of use grinding
rocks I can probably get several lifetimes out of the burrs grinding

All the best, (and, by the way, let us know if you try the fridge with
a dual-call thermostat idea)


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