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Default [OT] Waaaay OT (Question about Travel)

j*ni p. > wrote:
> I know, I know: this group is about food, not travel. And I could
> always try Google to find what I need. But personal experience can
> be more informative. And I've gotten to know many of you here, and
> value your insights, so you're getting stuck with this question. ;-)

Yup, an excellent newsgroup for such topics is

> Hubby and I are travelling to Victoria, B.C. next weekend. I've been
> there 4 times already (lovely city!), but most of those trips were
> as a minor and all were pre 9/11. Given that, I figured I should read
> up on rules and things and found the following:


> "American Customs Regulations
> After 48 hours stay in Canada, Americans are allowed $400 duty-free
> merchandise once every 31 days for personal use. Less than 48 hours
> stay, the allowance is $200 of merchandise."

> Now, the whole notion of "customs" has always mystified me (no, I
> don't get to travel much). What are "duties", exactly ? And what
> the heck are they talking about when they ask you if you have anything
> "to claim"? In my previous trips to Canada, I've just said "nothing,
> I think" and opened my bags for them to look through. Nothing like
> the bliss of ignorance.

Duties are nothing more than a use tax in my opinion. The government
can't nab you for state sales taxes for purchases made in other states,
but the feds can nab you for a sales tax on purchases made in other
countries, and vise versa.

For info on just about anything anyone in the United States needs
to know about traveling abroad, see