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Charles Perry
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Default Sourness revisited

williamwaller wrote:
> I have been wanting to mill my own white flour for some time. Has anybody in
> the group worked on this? I'm looking for suggestions in the roller/flaker
> mill area: what brand? what gap specs? and in the sieving area. Do I go to a
> chemical or geological materials supply business for screens...

I have used several mills. I like the Retsel brand mills because
of their adjustability from barely cracked to quite fine. If you
only want fine flour, a whisper mill has good through put.

Unless you have a real comittment to working out, get a mill with
a motor.

I have given up trying to sift the bran out of the flour. I have
not found a good way to do this without wasteing a lot of grain
and time. If you find a good way to end up with mostly white
flour , please post because It is of interest to several that I

The problem with most home mills that I have seen is that you get
wheat grits with the bran still firmly attached to each bit of
grit. Or, the whole thing is powdered to the same size and the
bran falls through with the rest.

I once bought an Italian hand turned gizmo that was said to be a
roller and flaker, but that was mainly ad copy because it did not
do much of anything other than a passing fair job of cracking rye


Charles Perry
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** A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand **