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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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"Sqwertz" > wrote

> On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 16:25:07 -0400, Nancy Young wrote:
>> "Sqwertz" > wrote
>>> On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 14:14:46 -0400, Nancy Young wrote:
>>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote
>>>>> She never claimed that they were sold that way everywhere - just
>>>>> in her experience and where she shops.
>>>> The discussion concerned people removing parts of
>>>> food before paying for it, someone joked about peeling
>>>> oranges and she said oranges are sold by the piece.
>>>> Not just where she lives.
>>> She didn't specifically say they are sold that way everywhere.
>>> I, of course, read the implicit "where she shops" since we assume
>>> when people make these comments, they are referring to where they
>>> locally shop. Since I have lived and shopped many places/states,
>>> I have to specifically point out that I'm referring to something
>>> other than my default location when I am doing so. As others do.

>> She wasn't talking about where she shops, she was talking about
>> orange peeling not being relevant to the discussion because they are
>> sold by the piece.

> OK. So how does that back up your statement that claimed she
> said they were sold that way *everywhere* -

Because she was correcting people who lived elsewhere.

People who do not shop where she does.

> which is what I was
> contradicting. I was also contradicting Joe/Doug in that she
> could provide no cites for her information as one of those cites
> was myself. Nothing I have said has had anything to do with
> peeling oranges - just the fact that oranges are sold by the
> piece locally. And she was right.

I think they are probably sold both ways in the vast majority of
supermarkets. By the pound (in a bag) or by the piece (loose).
She is the one who said they were sold by the piece. I don't know
how you turned it around.

Regardless, it's a subject that should have stayed dead.
