Nancy Young wrote:
> "Sqwertz" > wrote
> > On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 17:39:01 -0400, Nancy Young wrote:
> >
> >>"Sqwertz" > wrote
> > >
> > > > OK. So how does that back up your statement that claimed she
> > > > said they were sold that way everywhere -
> > >
> > > Because she was correcting people who lived elsewhere.
> >
> > OK. I'm not going to look up the exact wording but I can see how
> > that is probable and interpreted as claiming an area other thanm
> > your own.
> >
> > > I think they are probably sold both ways in the vast majority of
> > > supermarkets. By the pound (in a bag) or by the piece (loose).
> > > She is the one who said they were sold by the piece. I don't know
> > > how you turned it around.
> >
> > I went to the same supermarket chain where she shops and saw them
> > being sold both ways.
> Yes, and that is what people were trying to tell her.
Wasn't it more like loose by the piece or X-pound bags? That's
debatable as to whether they're actually sold by the pound. You can't
go in and buy a pound of oranges.
If I'm misremembering (and I'm too lazed to look) then "never mind".
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