Recent Symposium on sourdough fermentation
"ab" > wrote in message >...
> "The Taxonomy Biodiversity, and genetics of Sourdough Lactic Acid Bacteria."
> Seems to me I read a recent account of a couple of 1890 pioneer prospectors
> sitting at the entrance to their mine making sourdough pancakes for
> breakfast. They were discussing this very topic! Fascinating!
> AB
It seems like the scientific characters of that movie Back to the
Future III Dr Emmet Brown have some other scientific interest
which he did not divulge in that movie(g>.
He was also scientifically interested in sourdough baking!
And he did not left for the past in 1985 but in 2004 and had already
brought copy of that January- February issue of Cereal Foods World
with him to keep up with the developments.
And it ended up in the hands of the prospectors!