Thread: Fermentation
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Tater Tater is offline
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Posts: 127
Default Fermentation

On Sep 28, 10:10 am, wrote:
> Something unusual happened this year. After barrel fermenting for 7
> days, juice was pressed and transfered into demi-jons. However,
> nothing is happening with bubblers. It seems to be wine already. Lots
> of alchohol. It has been in the high 80's in Pittsburgh. Could 2
> month's of total fermentation be done in 1 week? How would this affect
> the wine taste.

look again after 24 hours. had a small batch that dropped from 1.080
to 1.010 in 3 days. didnt have a small neough secondary so I put it in
7 wine bottles, each with airlocks. took four hours for bubbles to
start in a couple of them.

about 1.5 gallons primary, 60+ temps, one packet of yeast (blue
package, not lavin, recommended by shop) very weak bubbles, no foam,
grapes(traded from plums). odd compared to what i've seen in my 3
batches of plums and my wineexpert kit.

best advice i've heard so far it to wait ind see, hence my lack of
hour-by-hour posts