Italian Olive Oil Spray - shelf-life
"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> Dee Dee said...
>> I don't know why this item has been hiding behind the fish sauce; but
>> I'm wondering (obviously since it is not refrigerator-able) just how
>> long this stuff will last. I'm going to replace it, but I'm wondering
>> that when I replace it, just how short a period of time I should be
>> thinking about using it 'up.' It's not in-expensive enough to toss
>> every couple of weeks.
>> Any ideas? I don't think TJ's will know.
> Dee Dee,
> Is the spray a pump-spray style or a pressurized can style like PAM? I
> wouldn't refrigerate any pressurized cans.
> I'd guess if it doesn't smell fresh would be a good time to replace it.
> Spray a little on a paper town and have a whiff? Your nose will probably
> know best.
> I only used bottled olive oil and never had to toss any of it. I just
> leave
> it on the counter next to the cooktop.
> Andy
Andy, it is the Pam-style can, so I never had it refrigerated.
Yes, my nose knows. Thanks for that suggestion.
I like to leave OO on the counter, too. Sometimes I will transfer some to a
small jar and leave it on the counter. DH, the curmudgeon insists that I
leave it in the refrigerator, but he always has this to say when I leave it
out in a small container: Did we go through that bottle of OO so fast? I
want to reply, that 'yes, we did," not letting him know that the bulk of it
is still in the refrigerator.
And I always want to say, Yes, so why don't we leave it out instead of
refrigerating it to death, back and forth -- but I don't. You wanna know
why? Because I give in on the small things. ;-)
Who would've thought a bottle of OO would create such decisions.
Dee Dee
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy
enough people to make it worth the effort."