On Sat, 29 Sep 2007 23:00:39 -0400, "Dee Dee" >
>Wonder who designed that gown she was wearing in the car/taxi/limosine?
>Dee Dee
Designer gown by Barbie Fashions Inc.
I just read that article.
Quoting from article:
What, one viewer argues, does this multi-millionaire presenter know
about the pressures of ordinary everyday life?
Certainly Miss Lawson's routine appears to be far removed from
ordinary mothers who wearily cook sausages and oven-ready chips for
their children after a hard day's work.
The "meal" presented at the end of one of the episodes, which
consisted of a series of packet salads and cold meats from the
delicatessen, all decanted into posh china, is roundly derided by
another viewer as being neither real cooking or within the price
bracket of ordinary families.
Mr Hutchinson insisted that the cooking rather than lifestyle image
remained the main point of the programme.
"People like these kind of recipes because they fit in with their
daily life," he said.
"We are looking at about half a dozen recipes per show, so I don't
accept the criticism that it is all lifestyle."
Being married to millionaire Charles Saatchi doesn't mean Miss Lawson
doesn't have to worry about her bank balance.
"I have a great need for financial independence," she has said.
End Quote
Seems she and Sandra Lee have a lot in common! So, did she steal that
idea from Sandra or was it the other way 'round? Personally, I can't
stand Nigella and other than her ample busom appealing to men, I don't
understand why she's so highly rated. Oh yes, I don't like the camera
work on her show either. Keep the camera steady and let us see more
than a glimpse of the d*mn food!
History is a vast early warning system
Norman Cousins